The Scavenger Inside Your Nose
Sniffing out the survival mechanism of the "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" meningitis pathogen
Microbes in the Park
A hidden object puzzle illustrating the latest research on marine biofouling, wastewater, and bacterial biofilm evolution
The Medical Theatre of Performance
Dummy patients and medical actors are heightening emergency room realism at the Centre of Healthcare Simulation
Debating Deep Brain Surgery
Medical opinion is split on when deep brain surgery should be applied to patients with Parkinson's disease
Time Travelling with Royston Tan
As asphalt cracks and concrete crumbles, this filmmaker is quickening his steps to document public spaces and private lives before they turn into history
A concise history of Chong Gay Organisation
A chronicle of a rare studio that tried to revive the dying local film industry of the 1970s with moral messages
How to Fight Crocodiles
The film Snakeskin offers a destructive baptism of fire so we may reconstruct the myth of our masters. But as long as art holds power, so will it have its predators.
Singapore International Film Festival Guest Guide
Overhauling the SGIFF's guest guide to produce a fun and personalised piece of festival memorabilia with the voices of our film folk
The Eye & The Tiger
In OH! Open House 2025, this Fiend of the Forest with an audacious coat of flame and fury is moved not by empire’s whip nor rifle’s warning crack, but occupies the symbolic space of the colonial gaze.
Recalling a Dream of Romance
Tracing the painstaking restoration work to bring back the Grande Old Dame's 85 years of history in Capitol Theatre
Mapping Pulau Ubin's living communities
A national cultural mapping research project is underway to document Ubin's evolving richness and shared heritage
The Short History of a Long Time Ago
Forget Indiana Jones! These archaeologists are filling in our collective amnesia of the pre-14th Century lying beneath our feet
Hong Kong in the Innovation & Tech Race
Strategic public, private sector and Greater Bay Area investments are laying the groundwork for the city's re-industrialisation in I & T
The sweeping blueprint of an art city
A roster of cultural development schemes, infrastructure building and private investments is paying off for Hong Kong's art market
Lessons from the Alibaba story
Executive vice chairman of Alibaba Group, Joseph Tsai, shares what startups can glean from the Chinese e-commerce giant’s success